Sanskrit Sahitya

M.A. in Sanskrit is a 2-year postgraduate course in Sanskrit literature. It is a historical Indo-Aryan language and the primary liturgical language of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. It is the official language of the state of Uttarakhand. The course’s syllabus is divided across 4 semesters ranging from the language’s origin through development, and up to now. Sanskrit has been the verifiable and trans-local dialect of scholarly life in South Asia for the longest time now. Sanskrit is the dialect in which South Asian rulers, artists, and religious diviners communicated. It is the world's oldest dialect. Numerous science and arithmetic writings have been composed in Sanskrit. It is the sacrosanct dialect in Hinduism. The Sanskrit dialect was presented by sages in sacred writings. Individuals have spoken Sanskrit since the start of the human civilization.

Eligibility Criteria

Admission to various M.A., M.Sc.& M.S.W. Programmes for the academic year 2017-18 is based on the marks obtained in the Entrance Examination /interview to be conducted in May 2017. Eligibility for applying to M.A/M.Sc/M.S.W. Course is a degree of this University or a degree (regular/ distant mode) recognised by this University under the 10+2+3 pattern. The students under Choice based Credit and Semester System of B.A. programme who have successfully completed I to V Semesters and appeared for all the courses of the final semester Degree Examination in April 2018 are also eligible to apply for P. G. Programmes on condition that they must produce Provisional Certificate by 31 August 2018.

Sanskrit Vyakarana

BA (Sanskrit – Vyākaraṇa) course is designed to develop a first level yet a comprehensive understanding of the Sanskrit Language and the grammatical aspects pertaining to the language.The courses lead the student to deeper aspects of Grammar required for a undergraduate programme and prepares him/her to take up specialised studies through PG programme. The minor stream allows the students to take courses from even modern subjects such as marketing and human behaviour thus making them all round in their perspectives and learnings. In time, with the help of our faculty and your assigned counsellor, students will understand the importance of each of the following for their chosen major.

The department of Sanskrit Vyakarana is established in 1993 and belongs to the Faculty of Sanskrit Grammar. Preparing students to participate in Vakyarthasadas, a traditional Endeavour to preserve and generate knowledge in Sanskrit Sastras. Conducting Communicative Sanskrit classes to students to improve their communicative skills in Sanskrit. The Department Faculty members are competent to extend their work in collaboration with other Social, Cultural, Religious organisations like All India Oriental Conference, South Indian History Congress, Granthasala Prasthana, etc. and other such organisations in Kerala. The Faculty Members are active in Propagation and Promotion of Sanskrit Studies in Kerala. The Department extends both deep and wider knowledge to the students as the syllabus covers both the traditional and modern aspects of Sanskrit Grammar and related subjects. Optional and elective courses offered to other Departments focus on interdisciplinary aspects. UG programme offers ‘Informatics - Vyakarana’ as a core subject.


M.A in Sanskrit Vedanta

Faculty of Indian Metaphysics was the first faculty instituted in the Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit at its inception. M.A in Vedanta was the first academic programme introduced in the University. Vedanta is one of the six orthodox systems of Indian philosophy. There are different schools in Vedanta which have their separate identity due to the various interpretations of the Upanishad. Upanishads are the final portions of the Vedic literature dealing with spirituality.

The most important and widely accepted school of Vedanta is Advaita or Monism. Its roots are found even in the initial portions of the Vedic literature, namely, the Rig Veda Samhita. Vedic sages, who are called Rishis in Sanskrit, had expounded philosophical principles in the Upanishads. It was Sree Sankara of the late 8th and 9th centuries A.D., who brought Advaita on a logical foundation. Even in the present age, Sankara’s Monism stands equal to the latest theories in the field of Physics. Apart from the scientific basis, Advaita has a universal appeal in as much as it upholds the identity of the souls of all beings whereby the equality of all is established. There is no other philosophy which can serve the ideas of socialism better. In the modern period there have been practical advaitins. Swamy Vivekananda took Advaita to far away places, to America and to Europe. He was a social reformer who gave inspiration to many social and political leaders in India. In Kerala, the most enthusiastic social reformer Sree Narayana Guru got inspiration from Advaita philosophy, which he interpreted to suit the modern times.

The courses offered by the Department of Vedanta include the ancient systems of philosophy namely, Samkhya and Yoga: modern schools of Vedanta, namely, Advaita, Visishtadvaita and Dvaita; modern studies following Sree Narayana Guru, Chattampi Swamikal, Vagbhatananda, Brahmananda Swamy Sivayogi etc., and comparisons with western philosophers Kant, Hegel, Aristotle, etc.

M.A in Sanskrit General

Master of Arts in Sanskrit is a postgraduate Sanskrit course. It is a historical Indo-Aryan language and the primary liturgical language of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. It is an official language of the state of Uttarakhand. The duration of M.A. (Sanskrit) is mostly of two academic years but it may vary from institute to institute. The syllabus is divided into four semesters ranging from it origin to development up to now. M.A. (Sanskrit) course is job orienting one and opens many fields for the students through the country.

It will provide quality research opportunities to M A students interested in pursuing academics. The department will also continue programmes utilising expertise from outside for UGC –JRF- NET coaching. Regular seminars, workshops and lectures by inviting eminent persons in the field will be conducted. Faculty and students will Endeavour to contribute research articles in peer reviewed journals. Attempts for collaborating with other departments in the university and institutions outside will be seriously made.

M.A in Sanskrit Nyaya

Nyaya philosophy is one of the six orthodox systems of Indian Philosophy and its study is considered very helpful to attain thorough knowledge in other systems. In Kerala, traditionally Nyayasastra was taught in certain places. Even in this age of globalization, the study of Nyaya philosophy survives in very few places.

The Department of Nyaya follows the syllabus of syncretic Nyaya Vaisesika Darsanas. In the field of Research we follow the comparative method, attached with scientific thinking. In this respect we observe not only the theistic and atheistic systems but also the western concepts as well.

The Department has conducted Seminars, extension lectures, and short-term courses. A workshop was conducted on the technical terms of Navya-Nyaya. Many distinguishes scholars from various institutions participated in the workshop.

M.A in Malayalam

The department of Malayalam offers Postgraduate and Research programmes. The department offers specialization in

1. Contemporary cultural studies

2. Literary Historiography

3. Semiotics and popular culture

4. Short Stories

5. Folklore - Folk Narratives

6. Malayalam linguistics

7. Theatre and Literature

The staff members and other researchers are engaged in active research contributing to the knowledge about Kerala and Malayalam as evidenced by their international, national and regional publications in Malayalam, English, Hebrew and German.

Programs of Study

* MA

* Integrated M. Phil / Ph.D

MA in Malayalam: Career Prospects

There is a huge demand for teachers skilled in Malayalam.

Such postgraduates are popularly hired as:

  • private tutors
  • consecutive interpreters
  • general interpreters
  • liaison interpreters.
  • Translators are often hired across fields such as:
  • Scientific
  • Literary
  • Technical
  • business.
  • Research
  • Publishing houses
  • Hotel industry
  • Travel and tourism, etc.


M.A in Hindi

Master of Arts in Hindi or MA Hindi is a 2-year postgraduate course, the minimum eligibility for which is graduation in any discipline. The course essentially involves the study of literature, linguistics and philosophies of the Hindi language. Subjects included in the program are Hindi Poetry, Drama, Fiction, Literary Criticism, Literary History etc.

Hindi, besides English, is the only other language of communication authorized for use in the Central Government’s correspondence of the country. This ensures plenty career opportunities in the government sector for successful postgraduates of the course. Hindi spans categories such as Social Sciences, Physical & Professional Sciences, Aesthetics, Natural Science, Commerce, Official and Media Languages and Translated Material.

The 2- year program aims to familiarize students with intricate literature in the language and its diverse applications. With its popularity growing in the nation and worldwide, Hindi is the second most spoken language in the world. Hindi language has its roots in the classical Sanskrit language. The language acquired its current form over many centuries, and numerous dialectical variations of Hindi still exist.Hindi is accorded the status of the co-official language in several States also. In light of the fact that some schools in US have decided to introduce Hindi as a foreign language along with French, Spanish and others, the demand for Hindi Teachers and Professors is fast increasing not only in Indian schools but also abroad. Hindi has earned a global recognition for itself in the linguistic arena.

We have Five Regional centers with MA course, Thiruvananthapuram, Ettumanoor, Thrissur, Tirur and Payyanur. We have an up-to-date syllabus with interdisciplinary approach for all courses offered. Every year we have a good rush for admission in all courses including the latest integrated PhD programme. At present 41 Research Scholars are engaged in Research work. 30 Research Scholars have been awarded PhD degree in Hindi, under Faculty of Indian Languages. As per records available, all our students who have passed out of the courses have been engaged as civil servants and teachers in various parts of India and abroad.

There are 22 Teachers (1 Professor, 2 Readers and 19 Sr. Lecturers) in faculty position and 8 of them are working in the Main Centre, Kalady. All our Teachers have been engaged in Research Activities and produce Research papers in leading Hindi journals. During these years of establishment, the Hindi Department in the University has been able to get the first funding from an outside agency for a research project by ICSSR, New Delhi. The project has been successfully completed and the report has been submitted. Again we have sent another Major Research Project on Sanskrit based Re-readings to the University Grants Commission and then approval is yet to be received.

We have produced a book, “Adhunik Hindi Sahitya: Vivid Aayam” on contemporary Hindi literature compiling the papers from our faculty members with external experts. Most of our faculty members have their own books published and have received acclaims all over these years. We have been conducting National Seminars and extension Lectures in every year with eminent Resource persons from various parts of the country.

We propose to start functional and theoretical classes in functional Hindi and Spoken Hindi for all concerned, including foreign nationals at the Main center as well as in all our regional centers, as on demand. A candidate can opt for admission in any of our regional center as per her/his choice. This is an opportunity for the student to accumulate regional and local level knowledge and ethnic varieties of our land. We have optional and inter disciplinary courses in M.A. and M Phil, in various subjects like history, Philosophy, Indology, Sociology, Women’s Studies, Translation Studies and in collaborative language like Sanskrit, Malayalam and English. It is well known fact that Hindi language learning and better knowledge in Hindi literature have been accepted as an essential category all over the world today. We can offer classes from learning level to research activities at inter-national level for all needed.

M.A in Urdu

M.A. in Urdu is a 2-year postgraduate course in Urdu language and literature, the minimum eligibility for pursuance of which is the successful completion of graduation in any discipline, and from a recognized institute of higher education.

Urdu is heavily associated with the Muslim religion as there are more than 65 million speakers of Urdu worldwide. 52 million of these reside in India alone, with another 12 million Urdu speakers in Pakistan.

Contemporarily, Urdu is a language of relevance also because:

Among minority communities around the world, there are also significant Urdu speakers, in countries like UK, US, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Indonesia.

In India, there are over 3000 publications that run in Urdu language, and over 400 daily newspapers are published in India in the Urdu language.

Urdu poetry is famous internationally and has been prized not only within the society of Urdu speakers, but also by many other cultures and international frontiers.

Widely recited and amalgamation of many forms, Urdu poetry has a rich and varied library of poems and prose.

There are many religious texts and scripts in Urdu and holds the largest collection of Islamic literature besides Arabic.

The course covers areas regarding Urdu literature, such as its society, poetry, prose, drama, novels, grammar, and such intricacies. During the course, emphasis is laid on an advanced analysis and examination of the Urdu language and literature. The development of the language through the phases of history and time period is broadly covered. Such postgraduates are employed gainfully in Urdu speaking business communities.Urdu language directly descends from the Hindustani language and was used originally in Delhi. The Mughal Empire lasted from 1526 to 1858, during which many languages originated for trade and travel purposes. It was during this time that Urdu picked up many of its traits. With a high level of Persian and Arabic trade happening in India, Urdu was caught up by both parties.

The Department of Urdu was established in 1994 in the Regional Centre — Koyilandy, Kerala. It offers postgraduate and research programs. It is the only centre of higher learning and research in Urdu, in Kerala.

M.A in English

MA English is a 2-year post graduate course in English language and literature. The course is a combination of modern and ancient English literature, consisting of three main areas of focus, i.e. Prose, Poetry, and Drama. The course includes literature by not just England writers, but from all over the world, such as Irish, Scottish, Polish, American, and Welsh. Cultural, political and historical contexts of English and linguistics are explored on an advanced level.

MA English course includes the study of Indian writings in English from early times to contemporary ones. It prepares students for teaching and creative English writing. MA English students also have scope to build their career in the field of journalism. The Post Graduate and Research Programmes of the University are unique: they incorporate the distinctive disciplines of this University. The treasure of indigenous knowledge, Indian aesthetics, Sanskrit Poetics and Ancient Indian Theatre form part of the Curriculum of the various courses. In addition to these features of uniqueness, the programmes move in paces with the changes that take place all over the world. As English Departments are rapidly transformed to Cultural Studies Departments, the thrust area of these programmes center round cultural studies. The teaching approach has also been changed: the traditional literary studies paradigm is replaced by the recent cultural studies paradigm. The Board of Studies has recently prescribed a twin programme at the Post Graduate level: one with specialization in English Language Studies and the other with specialization in English Literary Studies.

M.A in Comparative Literature & Linguistics

Comparative literature is an interdisciplinary field that approaches important literary works in the context of history, politics, genre, art and other disciplines. Continue reading to learn about relevant education and career options. Comparative literature encompasses the study of international works of literature through various modes of inquiry, such as through literary movements, history, theory and genre. Students investigate the relationships of literary works to other aspects of the culture in which they emerged, including music, philosophy, politics and religion. They often study literature from different periods and places to critique work from varying perspectives in terms of ethnic traditions, gender and class. Students of comparative literature are expected to read copious books, so a love of reading and writing are compulsory. In addition, they often develop strong analytical, writing and language skills that can be applied to diverse careers.

Comparative literature makes comparisons and connections between literatures and cultures. You’ll study a range of genres, time periods, and national literatures, as well as cross-cutting themes.

Linguistics complements the study of literature, focusing on how language works and how we communicate. You’ll develop systematic ways of looking at examples as diverse as youth language in our multilingual cities, or the English used in the media and politics. You’ll consider how new technologies shape the form of English and whether the spread of English is changing or even killing other languages.

M.A In Arabic

M.A. in Arabic is a 2-year postgraduate course in Arabic language and literature, the minimum eligibility for pursuance of which is the successful completion of graduation in any discipline, and from a recognized institute of higher education.

Successful postgraduates of the course are popularly hired as Elementary or Secondary School Teachers, depending on skills, requirements, and talent.

Such postgraduates are hired in capacities such as:

Teacher/ Lecturer/ Professor

Associate Professor - Special Arabic

Journalist/ Editor

Poet/ Story or Novel Writer

Article Writer

Arabic Coordinator

Content Writer Arabic

Translator/ Content Writers etc.

Popular hiring industries include:



Translation and other language services


Print Media

Advertising Companies or agencies

TV Channels.

Arabic, as an academic discipline, acquires relevance, since it is a dynamic international language of the world spoken natively by more than 300 million Arabs living in 22 States and used by the UNO officially in their organizations as one of the most widespread languages of the world. A religious language for more than 1 billion Muslims of various languages and origins in countries across the globe.Successful postgraduates of the course interested in pursuing higher studies in the discipline may go for pursuing Ph. D. in Arabic language and literature.

Master of Fine Arts

Masters of Fine Arts(M.F.A) is a postgraduate course in the study of visual and performing arts. A candidate has to be a Bachelor of Fine Arts from a recognised university in order to be eligible for this course. Masters of Fine Arts is a two year program and some colleges offer the course with a specialisation or give the candidate the freedom to choose a specialisation while doing the course. The course is completed over the duration of four semesters. Masters of Fine Arts graduate can obtain jobs in sectors like Graphic Designing, Electronic/ Print Media, Art directing, and Consultancy and can work as Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Art designer, Design Consultant, and Production Manager.

Fine Arts is a course in visual arts and designing. Fine Arts often studies the importance, applications of Arts and its aesthetic values. It is a term which covers multiple disciplines under it. The course imparts knowledge and skills of visual and performing arts which would help students make a stunning career in the art and craft industry and contribute further contribute in the art and culture of the country.  Master in fine Arts or MFA is the post graduation in Applied Art Sculpture.

Eligibility Criteria

A candidate seeking admission for the 2 year Master of Fine Arts Degree Programme shall fulfill the following condition.

(a) Should have passed the Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts of any University recognized by Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady with a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate.

(b) No person shall be eligible for admission to a P.G.Programme if he/she is currently on the rolls for a P.G.Programme in another discipline offered by the University.


M.A in Music

MA in Music course provides an overview of the history and the origins of different kinds of the music as we practice it today. It shows us the proper roots of our music along with giving us intense time and exposure to know and practice music in all of its formats. The students who are enrolling for the course need to have the genius of the putting all the beats from the aalaps to the end together. They should have the patience to get it right and the tolerance to keep practicing so everyone is in sync and produce a beautiful composition at the end.

Talent, dedication, hard-work and most importantly team work are most important qualities to have in the field and the course ensures that students are well versed in these attributes. The course is a mandate for conducting any kinds of research involving music with the govt. and also for further studies.

M.A in Bharatanatyam & M.A in Mohiniyattam

Bharathnatyam is a solo dance that can be performed by both men as well as women and is believed to be originated in Tamil Nadu. This dance form has a rich history that dates back to about 2000 years. Bharathnatyam is the combination of bhava, raga, tala, and Natya and is made for the purpose of seeking pleasure. The main feature of Bharatanatyam is that the dancer makes beautiful straight lines or triangles. Bharatanatyam is supplied by background Carnatic music. This artform itself is divided into two categories which comprise pure dance Nritta and expressional dance Nritya. This dance is flourishing and has large among the one initiated to its cultural concepts.

The course has a dedicated and hard working staff well qualified as per university norms. Sree Sankaracharya University started its Degree course in Dance in 1995. It is in this University that a dance course was started for the first time at degree level. In the beginning, only the foundation course (equal to +2) functioned at Kalady. In 1999 classes, on the degree level started. Though the department was one, it had two specializations, Bharathanatyam and Mohiniyattom. M.A. course was started in the Dance Department. It has full strength every year. The admission is based on entrance examination and talent.

M.A. in Theatre

The university conducts M.A. Theatre as per its tradition of imparting knowledge in various branches of Sanskrit as well as Indology, Indian Culture, Indian Languages, Indian Philosophy, Fine Arts, Foreign Languages and Social Science. Learned faculty of the university help the students gain proficiency in the subject.

The Department of Theatre Arts came into existence in 1997. M.A. course in Theatre Arts was established in the year 2000. It is one of the Kerala’s leading and most unique educational theatres. This was the first course of its kind in any university in Kerala. The teachers in the Department are world famous artistes.

Several Internationally known personalities like Maya tan berg, Director, Institute of Drama Finland, Sri Vayala Vasudevan Pillai, Director, School of Drama, Sri Kavalam Narayana Panickar, Director of Sopanam, and Ananthakrishnan, Professor, Hyderabad University have been associated with the Department.

In 2001 with assistance from the Chalachitra Academy, Department made a series of documentaries on koodiyattom

Facilities & Resources :

The Theatre Department located in Koothambalam has the capacity to seat up to 350 people and is equipped with a modern audio and lighting system. It has flexible theatres that can accommodate arena, thrust, and pros-centum stages. Koothambalam also house rehearsal space, a dance studio. Faculty offices are also located at Koothambalam.

The developmental drama major prepared students to integrate drama techniques, such as role-play, improvisation, puppetry, and storytelling into educational, recreational, and social settings involving children. The major includes courses from the department as well as allied courses in psychology and education.

M.A in Philosophy

The Master of Arts (M.A.) in Philosophy program offers concentration options in such areas as environmental philosophy or language. Students of philosophy master's degree programs explore a number of topics, including the moral implications of human actions on society, the status of being and the examination of words, dialogues and idioms. The M.A. program, which typically includes qualifying examinations and a thesis, can be completed in two years.

Most M.A. programs in philosophy require philosophy coursework from an undergraduate liberal arts program or a bachelor's degree in philosophy. Program length will vary if the student's undergraduate degree is in a field other than philosophy. The minimum grade point average (GPA) and GRE or GMAT scores, if required, will vary by philosophy program.

Much of the philosophy master's degree program incorporates discussions and coursework in research, theory and science applications. The M.A. curriculum will also explore specific concepts in its graduate-level courses, such as:


Modern philosophy

Greek philosophy

Value theory

Philosophy graduate students can choose to focus on one area of the field or receive more general preparation for specializing within the doctorate level. Possible careers for graduates exist in fields such as writing, education, medicine, foreign diplomacy, research, and more.

Master’s degree in Philosophy is a two year duration course which is interdisciplinary in its outlook and is for those candidates who have completed their Bachelors in any stream. Candidates intending to do M.A. shall be admitted only at the beginning of the academic year.

Philosophy consists of a conceptual foundation and imparts knowledge in candidates to have the ability to cope with problems which always arise in our private, professional and public life. It helps to develop critical thinking through which an individual and a group of people those who can rationally and intelligibly proceed to take decisions that affect our practical life. A number of reputed institutes and universities in India are providing various courses in Philosophy at Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Post Doctoral levels.

Advantages or Benefits of Doing Master of Arts in Philosophy

The course M.A. Philosophy aims at providing students a general knowhow of the fundamental issues in ethics, law, politics, economics, human rights, gender and culture, helping them to identify and analyze the basic reasons those motivate the above dimensions of human life.

Students of philosophy master’s degree programs explore a number of topics, including the moral implications of human actions on society, the status of being and the examination of words, dialogues and idioms.

M.A. Philosophy degree holders can go for further higher studies and can achieve a career in very many areas such as Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of language, Cognitive Science etc. It counts a lot for those who study this subject as a passion as this comes along with basic ethics and moral values.

Eligibility Criteria for M.A. (Philosophy) program

The basic eligibility is that one has to complete his/ her Bachelor’s in any stream from a recognized University.

There will be some priority for those students who have completed his/ her graduation in Philosophy and those who have studied the same as a subject.

M.A in History

MA History is an attempt to supplement the basic knowledge of Ancient Indian Culture in all its parameters; this course provides a thorough understanding of various views of our history and civilization. It helps in encouraging the preservation and management of our heritage.

Candidates pursing this course have to study different subjects like History of India, Ancient History, Medieval History, Economical History, World History, etc.

Students can either look for a job or pursue further studies after completion of this course. Mentioned below are some advanced courses, which a candidate can pursue after MA History

M. Phil in Ancient Indian History Culture and Archaeology

M. Phil in History

M. Phil in History and Archaeology

PhD in Ancient History

PhD in History (Medieval and Modern)

PhD in History of Arts

PhD in History and Archaeology

PhD in History

PhD in Ancient Indian History, Culture and Architecture.

M.A. In Sociology

Master of Arts in Sociology or MA Sociology is a 2-year post graduate program in Sociology which focuses on an in-depth study of society and its mechanism.For admission to this course, a candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in any stream from a recognized university in India.

Since, Sociology is a wide and expansive subject, an MA Sociology career options include jobs in a wide array of fields such as Education, Media and Journalism, Public Relations, and Administration. The average starting salary for MA Sociology graduates ranges from INR 15,000 to 25,000 per month.

MA Sociology is offered at university level and is a course which provides opportunity to learn about human society, social customs and different social systems on a deeper level. An MA in Sociology is a natural next juncture for students who pursue Sociology at Bachelor level.  

MA in Sociology helps a student understand the nuances of the human society. It helps develop an understanding of how human society originated and its various evolutionary stages. An MA in Sociology prepares individuals with a better understanding of the frameworks of societies and communities around the world, thus making them adept at understanding how organizations work in the contemporary setting.

A post-graduate course in any discipline adds value to the skills and knowledge of an individual. An MA in Sociology is certainly for those who wish to stand out in the crowd of students with a BA in Sociology. It is also a course perfect for students who wish to enhance their knowledge about how societies work. In modern day world a successful career in any field highly depends upon the knowledge one has about the community around them.

M.A in Vedic Studies

Centre of Vedic Studies is trying to popularize the Vedic knowledge by different method like seminars, memorial talks and extension lectures. One of the major contributions of the Centre for Vedic Studies is the introduction of Traditional Vedic chanting of different Vedas preserved in Kerala as a core courses in the PG Programme, which is exactly a new step towards the popularization of Vedic lore.

The audio / video documentation of the Jaiminiyasamaveda Nambootiri tradition of Kerala was carried out successfully by the School of Vedic Studies of the University. This documentation project has attracted the attention of the Vedic and Sanskrit scholars all over the world. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi and some other agencies have purchased copies of the whole documented matter.

UGC Project of Preservation Techniques of the Chanting of Rgveda in Kerala was also successfully carried out by this centre. The project was to publish in Devanagari script the manuals in Mss/Tss on the preservation techniques of the Rgveda chanting of Kerala Most of the manuals of them are with the Vedic Scholars of Kerala, written in Manuscript or Transcript form. They were collected as part of the project and a volume has been published by Vedic Studies in 2010 as the outcome of the project.

Studies and researches in Vedic Knowledge are being conducted intensively in all Universities / academic institutions all over the world. Several areas are yet to be opened in this subject. There is much scope for interdisciplinary studies and researches based on Vedic texts related to the topics like history, philosophy, religious studies, theology, anthropology, psychology, Indian jurisprudence, philology, semantics, grammar, etymology, prosodial science, ecology and environmental studies and women studies. The Vedic tradition of Kerala in all the Vedas is well accepted by the Vedic scholars of the Universities of India as well as abroad.

Master of Social Work

Individuals with a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree are prepared for employment as social workers; they may work in healthcare, mental health, law or related fields. An MSW degree is a requirement for a job as a clinical social worker, although healthcare and school social workers may also need the credential. Since there are many fields students can choose to go into, schools sometimes offer concentrations for MSW programs, including mental health, child welfare, health, organizational leadership or families.

Students in MSW or dual-degree programs must complete a certain number of fieldwork or internship hours under the supervision of licensed social workers. For online programs, the practical experience can usually be completed through a local organization. Social work, as the name suggests, is related to helping individuals, groups and communities to enhance their individual and collective well-being. It uses social sciences, sociology, psychology, political science, public health, community development, law and economics to solve problems at individual and community levels.

MSW course trains students and turns them into skilled social workers. In order to transform students into social workers, MSW course trains them in areas such as –

Social sciences



Political science

Public health

Community development




Family education

Social workers play a very crucial role in the development of our Nation. They play a vital role in the upliftment of the poor and underprivileged. Skilled social workers can bridge the gap between the Government and the underprivileged people.


M.S.W. course consists of four semesters. There is internal and external evaluation. The curriculum consists of theory classes, field work, practical training, seminars, rural camps, study tours, dissertation etc. The general subjects of the

course are:

1) Social Science perspectives and theories

2) Social Work concepts and Ideologies

3) Social work profession- Philosophy, methods and fields.

4) Human growth and Development

5) Human Behavior and Emotions

6) Social work methods I & II

7) Introduction to Social Work Research

8) Qualitative and Quantitative methods

9) Social Policy and Social Legislations

10) Development Communication

11) Development Administration

12) Counselling and Therapies

13) Planning and Implementation of Development Projects

Apart from these courses the students have to do the courses under the selected

concentration stream from the following:

A) Development Social Work Practices (DSWP)

B) Health Social Work Practices (HSWP)

C) Family Social Work Practices (FSWP)

The students also can choose from the elective courses offered by the Department.

Eligibility Criteria

Admission to various M.A., M Sc & M.S.W Programs for the academic year 2018-19 is based on the marks obtained in the Entrance Exam/interview to be conducted in May 2018. Eligibility for applying to M.A./M.Sc /M.S.W program is a degree of this University or a degree (regular/distant mode) recognized by this University under the 10+2+3 pattern

Those regular students under Choice based Credit and Semester System of B.A. program who have successfully completed all the courses and semesters of I to V Semesters and appearing for the final semester exams in April 2018 are also eligible to apply for the programs offered on the condition that they should produce the provisional degree certificate by 31st August 2018

Msc in Psychology

Earning a Master of Science in Psychology can open doors to a number of exciting career paths as it provides a comprehensive background in psychological theories and their applications. With this degree, individuals can gain entry into work environments as varied as consulting with top corporate executives and counseling patients in medical facilities. 

One of the questions on most prospective students’ minds is, “What is an MSc in Psychology?” At a basic level, this is a graduate degree that provides students with both academic and practical knowledge in the field of psychology. Students who pursue a master’s degree in psychology may be able to shape their curriculum plans according to their interests. Some common specializations include social and consumer psychology, forensic psychology, clinical psychology, neuropsychology, developmental psychology, and industrial/organizational psychology.

People choose to pursue an MSc in Psychology for a number of reasons. There are a wide variety of in-demand jobs related to this discipline, and having a graduate degree can provide a notable advantage over the competition.

The cost of obtaining this degree will depend on several factors. Some of these may include the school’s yearly tuition, the price of textbooks and the length of time it will take to complete the coursework. Prospective students may want to take these into consideration when they are deciding which school to attend.

Those who hold a Master of Science in Psychology have a variety of career options available. These can include positions in research, counseling, marketing, human resources and consulting. People with this degree also have the ability to continue their education and obtain a Ph.D. or a Psy.D.

Msc in Geography

MSc in Geography is a postgraduate course in earth sciences, involving an advanced academic exploration of the earth’s surface, essence, and composition. Such postgraduates are hired in capacities such as Agricultural Specialist, Geographer, Cartographer, Demographer, Regional and Urban Planner and Forest Manager etc. MA Geography includes comprehensive and in depth study of physical features of earth. This course puts more focus of study on social science aspect of the subject.This degree serves as basis for further studies and research in this field. Aside from Geography, the course covers aspects of related subjects such as Human Geography, which is the science of how the environment and space were created and continue to evolve. Also covered are elements of how the environment is affected by human beings and vice- versa.

Adavce Courses in MSc Geography are:

M.Phil (Geography)

Ph.D. (Geography

Master of Physical Education & Sports

Master of Physical Education & Sports [M.P.E.S] is a postgraduate course in the discipline of physical education. It is the discipline which is concerned with sports activities and equips the students with a range of practical skills applicable in officiating Athletics sports. Physical education is a discipline which acquaints the students with sports psychology, research methodology, sports medicines computer application in physical education and exercise psychology.  It is a course which helps the students to closely understand physical activities related to sports. It teaches the students to improve techniques and approach applied to fitness in sports and in other areas.

Being a postgraduate physical education course, the objective of this course is to produce proficient physical education graduates. It is done by this course through enhancing the abilities and skills of students for application of physical education theories and expertise in the real life problems faced by athletes. It prepares the students for solving problems in fields like training, fitness, teaching, consultation and therapy.

Career prospects and job opportunities

The main aim of this course is to churn out skilled and qualified physical educators. M.P.Ed. passed candidates may easily get hired by educational institutes. Some of the common recruiters are –




Fitness Centres

The main aim of the course is to acquaint students with the dynamics of sports activities and to help them understand physical activities related to the sports. Since it's a masters level program, it provides students with professional training and knowledge about fitness in sports and enables them to enhance their skills and abilities in the respective field.

Candidates are also trained to understand the theories and expertise of physical education and gain in-depth knowledge about fitness, physical training, therapy and consultation.

Eligibility Criteria

Should have passed Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.E) of three year duration of any University recognized by Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit OR have passed a Postgraduate Degree in Physical Education of at least one year duration of an Indian or Foreign University or board approved by the Education Dept. of the State or Union territory recognized by the Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate

Should be medically fit and free from physical deformities for daily heavy load of physical activities

Medical Certificate duly certified by a registered medical practitioner in the prescribed format enclosed with the application form should be produced at the time of selection trials


Museology is the study of museums in a systematic and academic manner. It can be considered as a science as well as humanities subject,as setting up, management and conduct of museums calls for different kinds of knowledge and skill-sets that are theory and practical. It calls for general understanding and awareness about all areas of knowledge that come under the purview of museums like archeology,art,culture, science, sociology and  history,and also requires knowledge of technological and technical aspects of documentation, archiving, curating and preservation.The University is now offering  MA Museology Programme at Main Centre, Kalady.Number of seats for the programme will be 25.

Disaster Management

Dual Main Masers (MA/MSc/MSW) in Disaster Management
Dual Main Masters in Disaster Management is designed to integrate the latest scientific and technological aspects of disaster management along with multidisciplinary aspects from Geography, Psychology, Social work and Sociology disciplines. The course structure consists of field studies in disaster-prone/affected areas, community camps, institutional visits related to disaster management, practical training on disaster management skills and internships. The course is aimed to equip students to build careers in the areas of disaster management including professional, research and academics. Similarly, the course is designed as a multidisciplinary curriculum with entry
into research and academic opportunities at national and international universities. Furthermore, dual post-graduation helps students get all the conventional career opportunities existing in the domain of Social work, Geography, Psychology and Sociology.

Dual Main Master offers in following combination
1. MSW and Disaster Management
2. MSc Geography and Disaster Management
3. MSc Psychology and Disaster Management
4. MA Sociology and Disaster Management
