History of the University
The Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit (SSUS) is one of the pioneering Sanskrit Universities in India in teaching, research and innovations. The University was established in 1993 in Kalady, Kerala. The foundational aims of the University is to impart knowledge in Sanskrit, other Indian and Foreign Languages, Social Sciences and Fine Arts. In the twenty five years of its existence, the University has established itself as one of the most promising research centers in Sanskrit as well as in Humanities , Social Sciences and Fine Arts in Kerala. As an institution imbibing multiple cultural heritages and housing both traditional and modern knowledge systems and art forms, the University envisions a harmonious advance in society through educational excellence.
 The Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit has eight regional campuses across Kerala. Most of these campuses are located in rural areas of the State, intending to serve people from disadvantaged backgrounds. More than ninety percent of the students and research scholars in the University are from economically and socially backward communities and families and more than seventy percent are women.
The University has gone through many phases of growth from its inception, advancing in the pursuit of excellence and accomplishment. The University Grants Commission has recognized the University with 2(f) status in 1993 and 12(B) status in 2005. In 2014 September the University was accredited by NAAC with A grade, the first University in Kerala to  receive the honour  in the first cycle of accreditation. In 2021 the University was reaccredited by NAAC with A+ grade, maintaining the honour that University being the first in Kerala to receive this grade. This accreditation was a rightful appreciation of the University for its two and half -decade long dedication to knowledge generation and dissemination.. At present the University has twenty six PhD Programmes, twenty MPhil Programmes, twenty five Post Graduate Programmes , ten Under Graduate Programmes, two Post Graduate Diploma Programmes, one Diploma Programme and  nine Certificate Programmes offered by the twenty four  academic Departments. The Choice Based Credit and Semester System (CBCSS) was introduced in 2005 in SSUSIn 2018, the University implemented the system of Outcome Based Teaching, Learning and Evaluation (OBTLE) at the Post Graduate level becoming the first University in Kerala to introduce OBTLE. Followed by Under Graduate level. All twenty four Post Graduate Programmes of the University have been restructured and the curriculum and syllabi revised through a series of workshops both at the level of the University and at the Department.
About our Journey
Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit is named after the illustrious sage and philosopher Sree Sankaracharya, who was also and the exponent of Advaita. The University has its Head Quarters at Kalady, his birthplace, on the banks of the river Periyar in Kerala. Established under the Sanskrit University Act of 1994 of the Kerala Legislature, the University envisions imparting knowledge in various branches of Sanskrit as well as in Indology, Indian Culture, Indian Languages, Indian Philosophy, Fine Arts, Foreign Languages and Social Sciences. It also aims to promote the study and research of Sanskrit through unanimous promotion of other languages in India and abroad, that have copiously contributed to the study of Sanskrit. With 10 faculties abiding to 23 departments and 5 interdisciplinary research centres, the University now offers 8 U.G courses, 24 P.G courses along with their MPhil as well as PhD programmes accompanied by various diploma courses like Ayurveda Panchakarma & International Spa Therapy. The University celebrated its Silver Jubilee year in 2018 through a prolonged set of artistic and scholarly events throughout the year.


इदं विद्यास्थानं विविधविषयाध्यायनिरतं

नवीनानां शोधे नवपथविनिर्माणनिपुणम्।

सुतन्त्रस्वातन्त्र्यव्यवहृतिषु शास्त्रोक्तविधिना

विमुक्तेर्विज्ञानं कलयति जगत्क्षेममनिशम्।

An abode of educational excellence where liberating knowledge is generated and productive dissemination is justified for self actualization and social transformation by moulding creative young researchers and critical thinkers for the practical world with right attitude, adequate knowledge and scientific temperament.



समृद्धे संस्कृतविज्ञानमण्डले‌ सुनिहिताः पूर्वसम्पदः विधिवत् प्रतिपद्य व्याख्याय च देश्यविज्ञानप्रयोगसम्प्रदायानां विपुलनाय सर्वत्र लोकेषु प्रतिपादनम्।

जनानां सामान्यजीवने छात्राणां शैक्षिकजीवनेच सर्गात्मकस्य संवहनक्षमस्य च परिवर्तनस्य संरचनं, तथा ज्ञानप्रयोगाभ्यां जीवनसमस्यानां समाधाने उत्कर्षाधिगमे च पथिप्रदर्शनपूर्वकं समाजसेवनं च।

दुस्तरास्वपि दशासु पार्यन्तिकतया समाजोद्धाराय पर्याप्तं युक्तिप्रकाशं सत्यनिष्ठां च आत्मसात्कृत्य मूढप्रत्ययानाम् आन्ध्यस्य च ग्रहात् लोकस्य विमोचनम्।

Methodically tracing the historical heritage of India embedded in the rich Sanskrit traditions and interpreting and inculcating the same to the entire world to widen the horizons of indigenous knowledge and practice systems.
To craft a constructive and trans formative change in existential conditions of people, academic life of students and serve the society by imparting knowledge and training to equip them to overcome the challenges of life and guiding them in the pursuit of excellence.
To emancipate the world from the clutches of superstitions and blindness with the illuminating light of reasoning by assimilating the truth which will ultimately carry the society through all the impossibilities to attain liberation.
Core Values

श्रीशङ्कराचार्यसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयस्य मुख्यमूल्यानि

 संस्थायाः अभिविन्यासः

  • उन्नतशैक्षिकमण्डले समावेशनात्मक-नववैज्ञानिकशिक्षासंस्कृत्याः विकासानुरक्षणे।
  • विविधाभिः संस्कृतिभिः ज्ञानपद्धतिभिः सम्बद्धायाः सम्पन्नसंस्कृतपरम्परायाः पैतृकस्य मूल्यानां आत्मसात्करणं वितरणञ्च।
  • शैक्षिकसमाजस्य संस्कृतौ स्वतन्त्रचिन्तायाः आविष्कारस्य च आवपनम्।
  • संस्थायां अभिरक्षितपर्यावरणानुकूलस्य परिसरस्य आत्मसात्कारः।
  • छात्रानुसन्धात्रध्यापकाध्यापकेतरकर्मचारिणां मध्ये गणकार्यचेतनायाः प्रोत्साहनम्।

समाजाय योगदानम्

  • समाजस्य शिक्षासमूहस्य च मध्ये विस्तारगतिविधिभिः संबन्धदृढीकरणम्।
  • अनुसन्धान-सहयोग-बहिर्मुखकार्यक्रमैः सुस्थिरविकासस्य तथा सामोद-स्वस्थ- सर्वसमावेशितसमाजस्य प्रोन्नयनम्।
  • सफलसामाजिकप्रतिक्रियासु आत्मानं व्यापारयितुं तथा सर्वविधान् भेदभावान् विरुध्य नैतिकपक्षे अवस्थातुञ्च प्रेरणादानम्।


  • छात्राणां सर्वाङ्गीणशैक्षिकोत्कर्षावाप्त्यै सौविध्यसम्पादनम्।
  • विमर्शात्मकचिन्तनाय पर्यनुयोगसंस्कृत्यै च जागरणम्।
  • समस्यासमाधानशक्तिः, अनुकूलनशीलता, निर्णयकलनमित्यादीनां जीवनकौशलानाम् आधानम्।
  • छात्राणां उद्योगप्राप्तिसामर्थ्यविवर्धनम्।
  • छात्रेषु, जीवने समाजे च आभिमुख्यसम्पादनाय, सजीव-धर्मनिरपेक्ष-

पुरोगमनभावस्य सम्पोषणम्।

  • मानविकविषयाणां सामाजिकशास्त्रविषयाणां विशिष्य संस्कृताध्ययनस्य विश्वप्रशस्तशैक्षिकसंस्थारूपेण उद्वाहनम्।
  • यत्र सर्वेऽपि न केवलं जीवनाय अध्ययनाय वा प्रवर्तन्ते, किन्तु सर्वदा संस्थायाः चैतन्यभूताः वर्तन्ते, तादृश्याः केरलेषु भारते लोके सर्वत्र च उत्तमनिदर्शनभूतायाः संस्थायाः भावनम्।

अन्तर्देशीयस्तरेण शैक्षिकयोजनानां परियोजनानां कार्यक्रमाणां च संरचना।



  • To develop and maintain an inclusive and innovative academic culture in the realm of Higher education.
  • To imbibe and impart the values of the rich legacy of Sanskrit traditions and its engagements with different cultures and knowledge systems.
  • To instil a culture of freedom of thought and expression among academic community.
  • To inculcate the importance of sustainable and eco-friendly environment in the campus.
  • To promote the spirit of teamwork among students, research scholars, faculty members and administrative staffs.


  • To develop a bond between society and academic community through extension activities.
  • Through research, collaborations and outreach we promote sustainable development and a happy, healthy, and inclusive society.
  • To encourage the University community to engage in effective social interventions and to take ethical positions against any type of discriminations.


  • To facilitate students to attain overall academic excellence.
  • To indoctrinate critical thinking and culture of questioning.
  • To impart life skills such as problem solving, adaptability and decision making.
  • To enhance the employability of students.
  • To generate pro-active, secular and progressive attitude in students to nurture positive approach to life and society.


  • To emerge as an academic institution of global repute in Humanities and Social Sciences especially in Sanskrit Studies.
  • To create a university where individuals not only work and study, but also fully engage in the life of the campus, a campus that is an exemplar of best practices for Kerala, India and the world.
  • To design academic schemes, projects and programmes that are at par with international standards.
Graduate Attributes
  • Ability to evaluate and analyse fundamentals of the knowledge area chosen for graduation, in a scientific, critical and inclusive manner.
  • Ability to articulate the knowledge-content orally and literally in an effective manner.
  • Adequate awareness and knowledge about constitutional values of secularism and social equality.
  • Sensitivity to gender equality and rights.
  • Informed orientation towards eco-friendly and sustainable development.
  • Ability to keep pace with developments in the chosen area of study in the national and global contexts.
  • Capability to adapt to ever-evolving technological, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and multicultural environment.
  • Competency to develop research network and entrepreneurial skill.
  • Ability to consolidate and initiate intellectual dialogues between Sanskrit and other knowledge traditions, Indian, Eastern and western.
  • Ability to develop creative understanding of the rich and diverse legacy of Sanskrit tradition of thought and to engage with contemporary issues and challenges.



Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit ACT

Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit ACT : Download

The Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Act, 1994, (Act 5 of 1994) is an Act of the Kerala State Legislature which received the assent of the His Excellency the Governor of Kerala on the 3rd day of March, 1994. The same was published by the Government of Kerala, as notification No. 2547/Leg. Uni. 3/94/Law. dated 03.03.1994 in Extraordinary Gazette dated 03.03.1994

Since then, amendments were made to the Principal Act several times. Sincere efforts have been made to incorporate the amendments scattered in various enactments in the Principal Act so as to give a picture of the Act which is currently in force. The earlier provisions are given in the footnotes so as to show the evolution of the Act in to the present form.

The four amendment Acts and one erratum by which the Principal Act was amended are given at the end of this compilation as annexure. This compilation will be useful as a single reference for all the members of staff of the University.

Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Statute
Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Statute : Download

The Chancellor, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit has been pleased to accord assent on 6-5-1997 to the Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Statutes, 1997 under provisions of section 40 (4) of Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Act, 1995. The same is published in the Gazette for information of the public.


100-Hour Documentation of the Chanting of the Samaveda

The chanting of Samaveda in the Jaiminiya tradition is peculiar to Kerala and has been practiced among certain renowned Namboodiri families. However, it has become a fast disappearing tradition in the context of the changing social and intellectual climate.

As part of the preservation of this oral tradition, Sree Sankaracharya University has taken the initiative to record the chanting of the Samaveda by traditional scholars in the village of Panjal in Thrissur District.

A 100-Hour Documentary on Koodiyattom

Koodiyattom is a traditional art form (Theatre) of Kerala. Sree Sankaracharya Sanskrit University has successfully completed the audio-video documentation of Koodiyattom with financial assistance from Union Ministry for Human Resource Development. The documentary was taken over by the Kerala State Film Development Corporation. The Koodiyattom Documentation comprises 100 hours of documentation with 75 hours dedicated to showcase the Koodiyattom performance and 25 hours for interviews and performances by the famous artistes. It has been covered in 10 episodes as a comprehensive documentary on Koodiyattom. There are nine episodes each of 25 minutes duration and one 50-minute long episode. All aspects of the classical Sanskrit Theatre form of Kerala have been documented under the project. The performances of all major Koodiyattom artists and their interviews have been recorded. The documentary was taken at Kerala Kalamandalam in Cheruthuruthy, Vyloppilly Sanskriti Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram, Chitranjali Studio and the Koothambalam on the University Campus at Kalady. The documentation is the only one of its kind, a unique visual experience created for academic references and to facilitate further research in the field.

Strengthening of Sanskrit Project
Sree Sankaracharya University is the nodal agency for the implementation of the scheme financed by the Central Government for the Strengthening of Sanskrit Studies in the State. Under this Scheme, the University implements projects like Documentation of Koodiyattom, Model Sanskrit School, Collection of Palm Leaf Manuscripts, Manuscript Library etc. Recently the University has introduced Sanskrit Propagation Program through 1000 Schools in the State.
Gandhi Darshan Project

The University is the Nodal Agency for implementing the Gandhi Darshan Program to mobilize Gandhian values in the State of Kerala at the School level under a State Project.

Manuscript Collection Drive

The Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit launched a manuscript collection drive as part of its efforts to set up a manuscript library with financial assistance from the State and Central Governments. This collection drive is a scheme under the Human Resources Ministry to strengthen Sanskrit studies in the state. A survey was conducted to locate manuscripts available with individuals, families and institutions. Many families came forward to donate their collections since it would be preserved well at the University. Moreover, these collections would help in further academic research in the field, especially for students pursuing the M.Phil. course in Manuscriptology. The University also plans to record such scripts digitally in microfilms and preserve them in Malayalam, Sanskrit and Hindi.

